Gesture recognition App for PCs from Flutter

Raise your  hands and stop the world.OK,we will just begin with music and movie.

                                                          Flutter,gesture recogination software for uses the webcam device to detect it.It performs action without touching keyboard,touchpad,mouse,joystic etc.

                  Flutter was first founded by NAVNEET DALAL and MEHUL NARIYAWALA in 2010.Dala has extensive background in computer vision and Mehul has an MBA from University of Chicago.After creating flutter they spent first 18 months in creating gesture detecting technology which controls the PCs using simple Webcam.when it was introduced it took the internet in a strom.It introduced softwares through which people could easily interact with devices. 


                'Its first application allows the people to play and pause music on spotify and itunes on PCs and mac computers with a wave' in hand says Flutter inventor Navneet Dalal.'Most people have the habit of playing music and working on internet.Now you need not want to stop it by clicking on the pause button.You can use this Flutter software.You can use it by waving your hand.If you wave you hand in front of the webcam music plays and if you wave again it will  pause.The distance must be between 1-6 feet.

               Flutter is in idea of creating more softwares in coming weeks and you can find and download this present app from

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